Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Heaven is for real DVD based conversation kit

I received “Heaven is for real: DVD based conversation kit” recently from booksneeze- it was good. I enjoyed it. Before I get to far and forget, though- I need to say that I received this book and DVD set for free from the Thomas Nelson booksneeze program offered to bloggers. Whatever I say is my opinion and it how I really feel. Anyway- this was alright. In theory, it was a fantastic idea. The DVD had interviews from everyone and the book went along with them. But the family was extremely fake. Like, extremely, extremely fake. The kid sounded like he had rehearsed his lines and that what he had said was fed to him by his parents before the segments were taped. The mom and dad were both just super fake, and it made me sad. The stereotypical Christian family is generally seen as hoity-toity, fake people, and this family did nothing to break that view. But in theory, it was a good idea and it sparked some interesting conversations between me and some friends. I will probably pass this DVD along to someone who will actually enjoy it more than I did, but I think it will make them happy. I give this three out of five stars.

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