Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Alienation by Jon S. Lewis

Good evening, fellow bookworms! At least, I’m assuming that you’re a bookworm, seeing as you’ve come to a blog that is pretty much strictly for book reviews! Anyway, I’ve come here tonight to tell you all about this new book I’ve gotten: “Alienation” by Jon S. Lewis. Before I get started, though, I need to  let you know that I got this book for free from the Thomas Nelson Publishing Company through the Booksneeze Blogger program, in exchange for an honest review. Anything that I say is truly my opinion. Now that that is over, let me tell you about this amazing book. Now, to be quite honest, I’ve never really identified myself as a “comic book” person. My brother and father are, but I am not. So when I got this book, and saw that it was introduced with a comic, I must admit I was slightly leery. But when I actually got the prose, I was pleasantly surprised. The adrenaline-laced action scenes and exciting descriptions and dialogue made this book seem more like a graphic novel in prose. I was truly impressed, and if you like fast-paced reads or comic books, I would suggest this book. Four out of five stars!

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