Tuesday, October 4, 2011

More Lost Than Found by Jared Herd

Hey there, guys! I’ve just ordered a new book from booksneeze, called “More Lost Than Found” by Jared Herd. But before I get started, I need to say that I received this book for free from the Thomas Nelson publishing company and I am under no obligation to give this book a good review. So, anyway, on with the show! I honestly enjoyed “More Lost Than Found” by Jared Herd. It flowed nicely and didn’t sound preachy- the way a lot of books like this can begin to sound after a while. But the thing that really got me hooked was the “Good isn’t Good enough” motto. When I say that, what I mean is- a lot of people who populate the church pews assume that just because they’re there warming the benches, they’re good. They don’t cuss, drink, steal, shoot up, hook up, or anything else bad, so they’re good. Right? But that’s not what God requires of us. No, He wants something deeper. God is not some suit that one can take on and take off as one wishes. He is not reserved for Sunday mornings only. No, God is a God that wants to walk with you; relate with you; sing, laugh, love, learn, live with you. And this book hones in on that- at least that’s how I felt. God wants so much  more for you then mediocrity, or what everyone else says is good enough. No, God has great things in mind for you- great plans and great love. Don’t refuse it. Grasp it! Grab God and He won’t let you go. He loves you. I promise.